• Can electronics cause myopia? How to protect children’s eyesight during online classes?


To answer this question, we need to figure out the inducements of myopia. At present, the academic community acknowledged that the cause of myopia may be genetic and acquired environment. Under normal circumstances, the chilren's eyes will have a changing process --- the eye axis infant period is shorter and in a state of hyperopia, but as they grow up, the eye is also growing. If the eyes are used improperly in the growing process, it would overuse our farsightedness reserves ahead of time, and myopia appears easily.

Therefore, electronic products themselves do not directly cause myopia in children. But if children stare at electronic screens for a long time at close distance, it will lead to excessive use of the eyes, which increases the probability of myopia.


How to protect your eyes during online classes?

To answer this question, we need to figure out the inducements of myopia. At present, the academic community acknowledged that the cause of myopia may be genetic and acquired environment. Under normal circumstances, the chilren's eyes will have a changing process --- the eye axis infant period is shorter and in a state of hyperopia, but as they grow up, the eye is also growing. If the eyes are used improperly in the growing process, it would overuse our farsightedness reserves ahead of time, and myopia appears easily.

Therefore, electronic products themselves do not directly cause myopia in children. But if children stare at electronic screens for a long time at close distance, it will lead to excessive use of the eyes, which increases the probability of myopia.


Is it necessary for the children to wear bluecut glasses?

Although the bluecut lenses don't provent myopia, a pair of good quality blue-blocking glasses can protect against the short-wavelength blue light (415-455nm) emitted by electronic devices, also known as harmful blue light. According to research, harmful blue light may damage the eyes, causing eye fatigue and increasing the risk of macular degeneration.

If your child's screen time is short, you don't need special protection. But if the child needs to be in constant contact with electronic screens for a long time, wearing bluecut glasses can be a good protection.

Universe Optical have a complete range of blue cut lenses with high quality and high technology. The blue light block rate is strictly following the latest national quality criterion.

There are more information in: https://www.universeoptical.com/blue-cut/
