• Myopia control: How to manage myopia and slow its progression

What is myopia control?

Myopia control is a group of methods eye doctors can use to slow the progression of childhood myopia. There is no cure for myopia, but there are ways to help control how rapidly it develops or progresses. These include myopia control contact lenses and glasses, atropine eye drops and habit changes.

Why should you be interested in myopia control? Because slowing myopia progression may keep your child from developing high myopia. High myopia can lead to sight-threatening problems later in life, such as:


How does myopia control work?

The most common cause of childhood myopia and its progression is axial elongation of the eye. This is when the eyeball grows too long from front to back. In general, myopia control works by slowing this elongation.

There are several types of effective myopia control, and they can be used one at a time or in combination.

Special myopia control lens designs work by changing how light focuses on the retina. They are available in both myopia control contact lenses and eyeglasses.

Myopia control eye drops are one of the most effective ways to slow myopia progression. Eye doctors have prescribed them for more than 100 years with consistent results. However, scientists still don't fully understand why they work so well.

Changes to daily habits can also be effective. Sunlight is an important regulator of eye growth, so outdoor time is key.

Prolonged near work can also lead to myopia development and progression. Reducing prolonged periods of near work can lower the risk for myopia development. Taking regular breaks during near work is also very important


Myopia control methods

Currently, there are three broad categories of interventions for myopia control. They each work in different ways to counteract myopia development or progression:

  • Lenses – Myopia control contact lenses, myopia control eyeglasses and orthokeratology
  • Eye drops – Low-dose atropine eye drops
  • Habit adjustments – Increasing time outdoors and reducing prolonged near-work activities

If you need more professional information and suggestion on choosing such a lens for your child, please click on the below link to get more help.
